
Elizabeth was the mother of three children and grandmother of five grandchildren. After passing away in 2018 from pancreatic cancer, her family wanted to honor her love and legacy in a way that kept her spirit alive. She was a kind and charitable woman who always helped those around her, even when she couldn’t afford to do so. She always provided food for the hungry and shelter for those who had nowhere else to turn. So, her family decided to open a charity in the city where she lived and was baptized, continuing her legacy of helping the less fortunate and keeping alive the spirit of kindness that she embodied.

Who We Are

We are a non-profit philanthropic O.S.C. that is established in the city of Campinas. Brazil. Our project aims to combat social inequality and bring food and healthy habits to families in needy communities.

Our O.N.G. are located in communities where basic needs such as health, food, culture and leisure are very precarious.

Today we have 5 O.N.Gs in different territories.

Today we serve more than 800 people directly and 1200 indirectly.

What We Do 

Our work consists of daily classes for children like capoeira, computer science, Ballet, and Jui jitsu.

For the Adult classes, we offer Zumba and instruction in sustainable and healthy cooking.

Through donations and allocated budget, we provide food delivery for families and meals for the homeless and those seeking shelter.


To be able to open a door where those who need it most, those who do not have an opportunity for a better life, can be welcomed, listened to, and embraced.


To be close and together in a new phase of life. Knowing how to listen and take care of social and emotional wounds. Help take care of lost links and build new certainties and resilience.


Defend their rights and duties. By constructing social policies with rights acquired by our constitution. Defend dreams and goals with the right to love a new story in your life.

To learn more please visit the foundations website at https://bethmatos.org